Five shots games التطبيقات

Wings at Christmas. MCPE map 1.0.1
Five shots games
This is a Christmas version of MCPE mini-gamewhere you will have to pass a complicated track with obstaclesusing elytra! The game is for multi-users, that’s why you can passit either alone or organize the competition with your friends andfind out who will be the first in overcoming all obstacles. TheMCPE map is decorated in Christmas style and looks very beautiful!You will have to fly through the rings in a form of Christmascandies, snowman, reindeer, elf and Santa Claus! The mission startswhen you need to take elytra from the chest and put it on yourbreast. After this you stay on the start line and jump from it at arun! Hit the “jump” button again to activate elytra. Your task isto fly through all obstacles and stay alive. Be careful, if youskip at least one ring you will have to start all over again! Themap consists of one long level, that’s why you should try tocomplete it from your first try! Be prepared that that you willneed to fly both in horizontal way and fly down on a high speed!This particular Minecraft map will help you to improve you flyingskills, find out who is the fastest among your friends and alsowill give you a Christmas mood.You will need to install Minecraft Pocket edition on your device toplay this map.Disclaimer: This map for MCPE is not developed or supported byMojang. Minecraft and Minecraft Pocket Edition are trademarks ofMojang AB. The developers of this MCPE map are not affiliated withMojang. This application adheres to the terms set up by Mojang AB.More info at
Ancient tomb. MCPE map 1.0.1
Five shots games
This is adventuring MCPE map where you willhave a great chance to visit the most ancient Egypt tomb! You arearcheologist-beginner and have been sent to Egypt with expeditionwhere you need to examine ancient tombs. You will have to findancient artefacts and bring them to museum. Also you will be ableto solve the secret room mystery with the help of 12 emeralds thatopen the door. Lots of various challenges like dangerous parkour,puzzles and battles with mummies are waiting for you inside thisMinecraft pyramid! Your main goal here is to find 3 artefacts madeof gold and hidden in different parts of pyramid. Then you willneed to find 12 emeralds to open the door to secret room, each ofthem is encoded and has a code inside. You will have to decode allemeralds and make the digits’ combination that will open the secretroom. Nobody ever entered this room before and has no idea whatkind of treasures are hidden here! Would you like to find out whatthe most ancient pyramid is hiding with the help of this MCPEmap?You will need to install Minecraft Pocket edition on your device toplay this map.Disclaimer: This map for MCPE is not developed or supported byMojang. Minecraft and Minecraft Pocket Edition are trademarks ofMojang AB. The developers of this MCPE map are not affiliated withMojang. This application adheres to the terms set up by Mojang AB.More info at
City of Sinureu MCPE map 1.0.1
Five shots games
You are going to visit a huge medieval city inthe middle on the ocean! You will see a very beautiful andfantastic house which is fenced with high walls and stands on thewater. The city doesn’t look like any other one, it has manyunusual buildings with huge cupolas, flags waiving on the air, abig number of bridges, nice streets and houses. This city isperfect for survival because it’s very good protected from enemies.If you want to have more fun, you have ability to fill the citywith zombies and have a fight with them! But before this you shouldfirst get prepared and find all weapons and equipment needed. Andremember, in spite of the city is fenced, the enemies still canenter inside! If you got bored of regular city MCPE maps – thisMinecraft map will make you happy with beautiful graphic andsurprise with its architecture!You will need to install Minecraft Pocket edition on your device toplay this map.Disclaimer: This map for MCPE is not developed or supported byMojang. Minecraft and Minecraft Pocket Edition are trademarks ofMojang AB. The developers of this MCPE map are not affiliated withMojang. This application adheres to the terms set up by Mojang AB.More info at
Apocalypse Manatory MCPE map 1.0.1
Five shots games
This is MCPE adventuring map where you willneed to find out what disease turned all people into zombies! Theplot of this map corresponds to popular films about Apocalypse. Oneday you wake up in a basement and realize that there is no one elseexcept you. Before you go outdoors you should find all necessarythings, weapons and food, you will need that all later on. When youwent to the city you saw a terrible view! The city is almostdestroyed and the zombies are walking around instead of people! Youwill need to pass many obstacles, fight with zombies and find themedicine! The human bodies will occur on your way, many skulls,blood puddles, spiders and bloodthirsty dogs! The tables with hintswill help you to find the medicine, you will find them in differentparts of this MCPE map and should read them attentively! You arethe last healthy man in this city and the other people’s fate is inyour hands! The horrors fans will definitely like this Minecraftmap!You will need to install Minecraft Pocket edition on your device toplay this map.Disclaimer: This map for MCPE is not developed or supported byMojang. Minecraft and Minecraft Pocket Edition are trademarks ofMojang AB. The developers of this MCPE map are not affiliated withMojang. This application adheres to the terms set up by Mojang AB.More info at
Quarantine Survival MCPE map 1.0.1
Five shots games
This is MCPE map with a very tiny glade forsurvival. One day you wake up on this glade and understand that youare in a small closed box without a single sun beam. The main taskhere is to survive on such a little area! Yu don’t have anyresources, weapon and food. You will have to make everythingyourself! The main danger here is the constantly incoming monsters!But, regardless such a tiny space, there is a lake on this MCPEmap, mini-volcano and other places where you can hide. Also you aregoing to find out what the glade hides underneath! In order to getout of this box you should mine resources that are under the grade,you will also find many interesting stuff and will be able to getoutside! You need to manage in developing, tunnel digging and killthe monsters at the same time in this Minecraft mission! Hurry up,the number of monsters increases all the time! How long will you beable to stick out?You will need to install Minecraft Pocket edition on your device toplay this map.Disclaimer: This map for MCPE is not developed or supported byMojang. Minecraft and Minecraft Pocket Edition are trademarks ofMojang AB. The developers of this MCPE map are not affiliated withMojang. This application adheres to the terms set up by Mojang AB.More info at
Horse Parkour MCPE map 1.0.1
Five shots games
This is a unique MCPE mini-game where you willhave to pass a batch of parkour challenges on your horse! You canplay either alone or with your friends because the game is withmulti-player mode. Quite complicated type of parkour is waiting foryou, because the parkour itself is not such an easy sport, but hereyou will need to drive your horse! The map represents a line ofobstacles which you will need to pass through on a horse. Beforethe competition starts all players should choose a horse in stable,domesticate, saddle it up and come up to the start line. Todomesticate the horse, you need just to untie it and feed. Afterall participants are ready to start - the competition begins. Youraim is to get to the finish in fastest way possible! You may havesome difficulties in driving the horse at the beginning, but youwill manage very soon. To jump on it you should press button Jumpthen release it. Be very careful, a single mistake will move youback to start and you will need to pass this MCPE map from the verybeginning. Do you consider yourself the best Minecraft parkourexpert?You will need to install Minecraft Pocket edition on your device toplay this map.Disclaimer: This map for MCPE is not developed or supported byMojang. Minecraft and Minecraft Pocket Edition are trademarks ofMojang AB. The developers of this MCPE map are not affiliated withMojang. This application adheres to the terms set up by Mojang AB.More info at
Drake Hunt MCPE map 1.0.0
Five shots games
This is MCPE map with an amazingrole-playingmini-game where you will have a great chance to visitshootinggallery! Minimum 2 players are required in this game. Oneplayerwill perform the role of a hunter who will need to shootdrakes.Second player will perform the role of a drake that willneed tohide and try to escape the hunter’s shots. This Minecraftmaprepresents big TIR with few sectors for hunting. At thebeginningof this game the players should choose their role and getallnecessary equipment. Then they pass through their corridorsandappear on the TIR play field and here the hunt starts!Huntersshould fire their target as much precisely as possible, andthedrakes should try to stay alive! If you don’t want zombiestointerfere you when walking in the TIR – you can set a peacefulmodein game settings. This is incredibly funny MCPE game where youwillhave a great time with your friends!You will need to install Minecraft Pocket edition on your devicetoplay this map.Disclaimer: This map for MCPE is not developed or supportedbyMojang. Minecraft and Minecraft Pocket Edition are trademarksofMojang AB. The developers of this MCPE map are not affiliatedwithMojang. This application adheres to the terms set up by MojangAB.More info at
Martian war MCPE map 1.0.1
Five shots games
This is amazing MCPE mini-game where youwilltravel to Mars! The game is of multi-player type and up to24players can play in at same time! the map represents Marssurfacewith a lot of space stations with numerous sections forsurvival onthis planet. There is a farm section here where you cangrow theplants and breed your animals, also there is a bedroom,library,ammunition depot and lots of other things! The huge spaceship thattook you here is placed above the station. You’ve beenassigned toa mission and your task is to occupy the station! At thebeginningof this MCPE game all players appear on the platform inone of thestation’s halls. Then everyone starts to search forequipmenthidden in chests all over the map. You will find allnecessaryweapons, armory and food. Remember that the number ofplayers ishigh but the resources volume is limited in thisMinecraft mission.You need to collect as many resources as possiblebefore someoneelse does this because your further survival dependson this! Youcan search for stuff and attack your enemy at the sametime. Thelast player survived will be a winner! Battle with yourfriends forspace station and try to become the last survived humanonMars!You will need to install Minecraft Pocket edition on your devicetoplay this map.Disclaimer: This map for MCPE is not developed or supportedbyMojang. Minecraft and Minecraft Pocket Edition are trademarksofMojang AB. The developers of this MCPE map are not affiliatedwithMojang. This application adheres to the terms set up by MojangAB.More info at
Robots War MCPE map 1.0.1
Five shots games
This MCPE map will bring you to thebattlefield of famous movie about the space! The map reconstructsthebattle atmosphere where the huge robots had attacked the base.Onthis map everything is considered to the smallest details. Youwillsee damaged robot that starts to get into fire slowly and fallstopieces. All robots are aiming to attack the hangar with starcraftswhere there are also few space ships. You will be able tocomeinside hangar, star craft, space ship and robot even, becauseallconstructions have the ability to be explored from inside!ThisMCPE map is quite big. All measures are maintained and allelementsare very well considered. There are numerous small detailson thisMinecraft map that will give you a feeling that you appearon thebattle field indeed!You will need to install Minecraft Pocket edition on your devicetoplay this map.Disclaimer: This map for MCPE is not developed or supportedbyMojang. Minecraft and Minecraft Pocket Edition are trademarksofMojang AB. The developers of this MCPE map are not affiliatedwithMojang. This application adheres to the terms set up by MojangAB.More info at
Time To Say Goodbye. MCPE map 1.0.1
Five shots games
This is MCPE adventuring map where youwillhave to escape a very unusual prison! You play a role ofsuperherowho was kidnapped by bandits which put you into a secretprison andperform cruel experiments on you. They want examine youin order tocreate invincible army and take over the world. On oneday one ofthe blocks was fired in a prison and all staff went totread fireout. Now you’ve got the only chance for escape from thisMinecraftprison. You need to come up with escape plan, otherwiseall theseexperiments will end with your death. Your task on thisMCPE map isto get out of prison and become free. But the prison isunusual andexists in different dimension! You will have to passnumerouschallenges in parkour, labyrinth, puzzles and zombies’battles inorder to get to portal!You will need to install Minecraft Pocket edition on your devicetoplay this map.Disclaimer: This map for MCPE is not developed or supportedbyMojang. Minecraft and Minecraft Pocket Edition are trademarksofMojang AB. The developers of this MCPE map are not affiliatedwithMojang. This application adheres to the terms set up by MojangAB.More info at
Castle War. Map for MCPE 1.0.1
Five shots games
This is exciting mini-game for MCPE.Itsdesigned for 2 players. Your task is to strike at youropponentscastle and defend yours. The aim of this Minecraft game istodestroy the castle of your enemy and protect yours from attacksatthe same time. At the beginning of the mission you will bedividedinto two teams and each team will move to their castles. Onthefirst day the players will need to collect the necessarymaterialsand resources in their castles, grow food needed, craftweapons andarmoury for future battle. Nobody attacks the castles onfirst day,both teams are preparing for the battle! But after thefirst nightyou can attack the enemy’s castle! Break the stone wallswith thehelp of hack! The team that destroys the castle first willbecome awinner! Thanks to Castle War map you will have a great timewithyour friends! The team play is very important on thisMCPEmap!You will need to install Minecraft Pocket edition on your devicetoplay this map.Disclaimer: This map for MCPE is not developed or supportedbyMojang. Minecraft and Minecraft Pocket Edition are trademarksofMojang AB. The developers of this MCPE map are not affiliatedwithMojang. This application adheres to the terms set up by MojangAB.More info at
Magic Mask MCPE map 1.0.1
Five shots games
This is adventuring MCPE map where youwillneed to find magical mask of ancient nation! You heard alegendfrom your grandpa about a magical mask that is able to turnyouinto whoever you want when you put it on. Due to this legendthemask is hidden in ancient temple that belongs to the Redsandlocated somewhere in the middle of jungles. You left for alongtrip to deep jungles of South America. After long searchesyoufinally found the temple! At first sight it may seem that thereisnothing inside it… But in the middle of hall you will noticeastrange chest, if you open it you will be teleported toundergroundwhere the main temple’s part is masked! Your aim in thisMCPEmission is to find the magical mask hidden somewhere inthistemple. For this you will need to pass many complicatedanddangerous challenges with parkour, resolve the puzzles andfightwith zombies. A very interesting and exciting adventure iswaitingfor you on this Minecraft map!You will need to install Minecraft Pocket edition on your devicetoplay this map.Disclaimer: This map for MCPE is not developed or supportedbyMojang. Minecraft and Minecraft Pocket Edition are trademarksofMojang AB. The developers of this MCPE map are not affiliatedwithMojang. This application adheres to the terms set up by MojangAB.More info at
Endars superior wing MCPE map 1.0.1
Five shots games
This is an exciting MCPE mini-game whereyouwill need to use a special equipment – elytra! You will have togetout of a prison that is very good guarded using elytra. Beforeyoustart to pass this Minecraft mission take your elytra from achestand all necessary things for your fly. Then activate a levernearthe door, after this your escape from prison will start! Yourtaskis to fly through all obstacles and break free. But this isnotthat easy as it may seem from the first sight! During theflightevil zombies and skeletons will be shooting you with arrowsandballs of fire. Also there are many traps and dangerous turnsonthis MCPE map. You should fly very carefully andattentivelybecause you will see only lava at the bottom and if youfall – youwill die! The absence of checkpoints for saving theprogress makesthe game more complicated, that’s why the missionshould becompleted in a single fly! Thanks to this map you willimprove yourflying skills with the help of elytra! Enderdads EpicElytra map –one of the most complicated maps in this genre!You will need to install Minecraft Pocket edition on your devicetoplay this map.Disclaimer: This map for MCPE is not developed or supportedbyMojang. Minecraft and Minecraft Pocket Edition are trademarksofMojang AB. The developers of this MCPE map are not affiliatedwithMojang. This application adheres to the terms set up by MojangAB.More info at
The Kingdom of the Giants.MCPE 1.0.1
Five shots games
This is MCPE adventuring map where youwillhave a chance to visit the Giants Kingdom! You are atalentedscientist and want to invent the vaccine that could turnregularpeople to superheroes with incredible capabilities! You leftto themountains in the middle of jungles where in one of rocksthere is aGiants Kingdom where the secret of powerful force ishidden. TheGiants have been governing these lands for thousandsyears and inorder to keep the secret safe they set up a huge numberof varioustraps! That’s why you will need to pass a very dangeroustrack thatgoes through all these traps to get to the secret recipe.There areparkour challenges, complicated puzzles and fight withzombiesamong them. Besides all these there are 6 diamonds hidden inthecave, each of them has a special code that belongs togeneralcombination. If you manage to collect all 6 brilliants andmakecorrect combination – the door to the secret room will beopened.Nobody entered it before, so you will be the first one whowill seewhat is hidden there! Numerous secrets and fascinatingadventure iswaiting for you on this Minecraft map.You will need to install Minecraft Pocket edition on your devicetoplay this map.Disclaimer: This map for MCPE is not developed or supportedbyMojang. Minecraft and Minecraft Pocket Edition are trademarksofMojang AB. The developers of this MCPE map are not affiliatedwithMojang. This application adheres to the terms set up by MojangAB.More info at